LAVTech QuickPick

Quickly herd your files, pictures or videos to a usb.


How To Guide


LAVTech Quick Pick is a small app that allows you to copy preselected files such as documents, video, audio or images from one drive into one folder.

How To:

Windows: To run the app, download the LAVTechQuickRecover.exe and run it.

The application automatically reads and indexes the available permanent drives and removable drives (usb) defaults to E:/ (primarily flash drive/secondary storage). The program runs through all folders seeking the files with the predefined extentions and copies them to one folder. There is an option to preserve the folder structure, if you wish.


  1. Does not copy duplicates based on name - does not rename duplicates:
    • Idea: compare ELF header, and copy & rename only when file is clear duplicate.
  2. does not automatically understand GIT and programming - I don't anticipte too much use - apart from true offline application thereoff
  3. Input is currently limited to a whole drive - small fix if needed

Special Thanks


Special Thanks to Williams-Creativity for the image

Any Suggestions?

If you have any suggestions or questions, please feel free to reach out via email

About Me

Hi, I'm LeAnn Alexandra, but I go by Alexandra, because it is slightly less likely to be misspelled. I resigned my steady position as General Manager with a FMCG Company in early 2023 to pursue a carreer in software and programming. To make something work flawlessly is not enough for me, I am driven by my need to understand every minor voltage shift inside the hardware.